Experience the Best – No Delivery Miles

You will Experience the Best at Lichtsinn RV! Starting when you pick up the phone or chat with us online, you will see why the Lichtsinn RV Experience is the best.

One of the key advantages of buying your new Winnebago from Lichtsinn RV is our proximity to Winnebago’s Motorhome Division in Forest City, Iowa. Our dealership is located 1 mile from Winnebago Industries, so if you buy a Winnebago from Lichtsinn RV you don’t have to worry about whether a delivery driver ate, drank, or lived in your brand-new RV before you could.

Tips for Finding a Reputable RV Dealer: Online Reviews

So you have decided that the RV lifestyle is for you and now you have begun researching the perfect RV for your needs. A lot of buyers think the research process ends when you find the perfect RV, but there is another important step… finding the perfect RV dealer to work with. You’ll want to invest just as much time if not more, in researching RV dealers to make sure you find a reputable dealer to work with. Read our Blog to learn more.

Tips for Finding a Reputable RV Dealer: Accredited by Winnebago Manufacturer

Whether it’s your first RV and you’ve decided the RV lifestyle is now for you or you’re a seasoned RVer ready for your next home you’ll spend a lot of time researching the perfect RV for your needs. However, the research process does’nt end when you’ve decided on that perfect RV, there is another important step… finding the perfect RV DEALER to work with. You’ll want to invest just as much time if not more, in researching RV dealers to make sure you find a reputable dealer to work with. One factor to look at is if the dealer has received accreditation from the manufacturer. Learn more in our Blog.

Tips for Finding A Reputable RV Dealer: LIVE Video Appointment

Live Video RV Appointment

Whether it’s your first RV and you’ve decided the RV lifestyle is now for you or you’re a seasoned RVer ready for your next home on wheels, you’ll spend a lot of time researching the perfect RV for your needs. However, the research process does not end when you’ve decided on that perfect RV, there is another important step… finding the perfect RV DEALER to work with. You will want to invest just as much time if not more, in researching RV dealers to make sure you find a reputable dealer to work with. One of the ways to identify if you are working with a reputable dealer is their ability to allow you to see an RV as is convenient for you. See our Blog to learn about Lichtsinn RV LIVE Video Appointments.

Tips for Finding a Reputable RV Dealer

Lichtsinn RV

You have decided that the RV lifestyle is for you and now you have begun researching the perfect RV for your needs. A lot of buyers think the research process ends when you find the perfect RV, but there is another important step… finding the perfect RV dealer to work with. See our Blog where we have listed some questions you may want to answer before you agree to purchase an RV from a dealer.

Experience the Best – #1 Winnebago Parts Department in the Country

One advantage of Lichtsinn RV vs. other dealers is we are America’s closest RV dealer to the Winnebago Industries Motorhome Division and are located just one mile north of the Winnebago Motorhome factory in Forest City, Iowa. We have the largest Winnebago Parts Department in the Country and with the proximity to Winnebago we are able offer 1-3 day Nationwide shipping on in-stock parts from our warehouse and Winnebago’s.

Tips for Finding a Reputable RV Dealer: Competitive Financing and Insurance

Financing Online

A factor to consider when selecting a dealer to work with is what their internal financing capabilities are and if they offer any other services in their business office.

Lichtsinn RV has relationships with many different lenders who have superior rates and terms so we are able to customize to fit the needs of our guests! Learn More in our Blog.

Debunking RV Buying Myths – How Lichtsinn RV is Different From the Rest

At Lichtsinn RV, we encounter guests that either have previously bought or spoken to another RV dealer or have heard horror stories from friends or family that had a negative experience buying from another dealer. We wanted to debunk some common myths about buying RVs that we have heard from guests who have previously spoken or bought from another dealer. Reard our Blog to learn more.

Prest-O-Fit Ruggids Step Rug

Looking for steps to put on your RV to prevent slipping and block dirt at the door? Lichtsinn RV offers Prest-O-Fit Ruggids Step Rug.

LIVE BLOG: Major Expansion Underway at Lichtsinn RV

Lichtsinn RV Winnebago Parts Store

Lichtsinn RV, the largest single point Winnebago Motorhome Dealership in North America is expanding with the goal of continuing to provide an RV industry leading guest experience. The 5 part project is underway and includes: Lot Expansion, Sales Building addition, Showroom expansion, Parts Store expansion and additional Service Bays. See our Blog as we document the construction progress.