Tips for RVing with Pets

Looking to make your RV trip even better? adorable-animal-beanie-1452717

Bring your pet with you!

Just ask other RVers… the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association study shows that 61% of RVers think furry friends serve as excellent travel companions. Whether you are a dog lover or a “crazy cat lady” check out our tips for bringing your pets RVing with you.

Buckle Up… That Means Fido Too! 

It might be tempting to let your furry friends sit on your lap when you are traveling down the road, but that is not in the best interest of you or your pet. Keep both you and your pet safe by putting them in a seat belt harness, pet sling, or a secured crate while traveling down the road. However you choose to buckle up your pet, make sure it is in the same vehicle as you. Never put your pet alone in a camper you are towing. By using our safety tips, you will be preventing your furry friend from getting injured or distracting you while driving.

Don’t Forget the Essentials 

You will want to make sure you pack all the gear so your dog or cat can have a great vacation with you! Just like you, there are things your pet should never leave home without.

Some of the key items to pack for your furry friend:

  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Toys
  • Bedding
  • Non-Spill Food and Water Bowls
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Medication
  • Pet First Aid Kit
  • Plastic Bags to Pick Up After Your Pet
  • Litter Box

What to Do In Case of a Lost Pet 

Keeping your pet from getting lost starts long before you head out in your RV. Scared pets are far more likely to make a break for it and even less likely to come back. Prevent the heart ache of a lost pet by having a collar with their information on it and microchipping your pet and registering them with a national pet recovery registry like home again. There are also several kinds of GPS collars available so in case of emergency, you can track your pet down with your smart phone. You should also keep up to date photos of your pets, so if necessary you can quickly create posters if your pet goes missing.

Have Copies of Your Pets’ Info 

It is imperative that you have up to date copies of your pet’s vaccination records and your pet’s health records, and any proof of ownership. Also, if you want to use a pet sitter, day care, or kennel services while you are traveling they will need these documents. Don’t forget to take your vet’s telephone number, and the telephone number for the National Animal Poison Control Center: (888) 426-4435.

Watch the Weather 

If you decide to embark on an adventure for a few hours that requires you leave your pup back at camp, make sure that you are paying attention to the weather and what your dog will need. If it’s the middle of the summer and heat is high, leave your air conditioner on so that your dog has a cool place to relax.

If a thunderstorm shows up, have a safe area where your pup can feel safe, as the loud sound of thunder typically terrifies dogs. You can help lessen their fear by bringing blankets and toys from home that will remind them they are safe. Whatever you do, never leave your dog unattended outdoors. Tying him up and leaving him alone opens up the opportunity for a lot to go wrong.

Prepare for Wild Life Run-Ins 

When you’re camping, chances are good you’re going to run into some wildlife. And sometimes, that wildlife is more than just a bird or a squirrel. Whatever the size of your wild-creature run-in, be sure that you have control over your pet.

Regardless of how well-behaved Fido is, it is still in his blood to sniff out the animals, and track them down. And, the last thing you want is your dog tracking down a Grizzly Bear. Keep a close eye on your dog, and know how to call him back should he decide to run off and practice his hunting skills.

Also make sure that your dog’s vaccines are all up-to-date and that you’ve got the tools to deal with flea and tick problems.

Sharing the fun of RVing with your pets makes the overall experience even better. Follow our tips for a fun, safe vacation.